Worldwide Islamic Terrorism Since September 11th
By Baron BodisseyA Gates of Vienna production
Incident data through February 22, 2006Pages republished March 16, 2006
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Incident Maps

Below are maps showing different views of data on Islamic terrorist attacks since 9-11. When a map shows incident severity, it is aggregated at each location within the full time period. This is why Baghdad and Kashmir have the highest severity rating, even though individual incidents in those places are are less severe than the attack in Manhattan on September 11th, 2001.

All Islamic terror attacks since September 11, 2001

The Bloody Borders Project
Click on any affected area for more information.

Timeline of all Islamic terror attacks since 9-11

The Bloody Borders Project
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Islamic terror attacks in 2001

The Bloody Borders Project
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Islamic terror attacks in 2002

The Bloody Borders Project
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Islamic terror attacks in 2003

The Bloody Borders Project
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Islamic terror attacks in 2004

The Bloody Borders Project
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Islamic terror attacks in 2005

The Bloody Borders Project
Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks through February 22, 2006

The Bloody Borders Project
Click on any affected area for more information.

Note: Maps do not use any incident data after February 22, 2006.

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Incident statistics for this project were generously contributed by The Religion of Peace.