These images were all created by a series of programs which I wrote in Visual Basic. See the bottom of this page for instructions about downloading a shareware copy of a video demo.
Algorithms for AfterimagesThe "persistence of vision" is the neurological phenomenon in which the eye or the brain continues to see an image after the stimulus for it has been removed. All of us see afterimages, the most notorious being the spot left after a flashbulb of a camera goes off.If you observe closely, you will notice a progression of color changes as an afterimage fades. This is because the sending units of the retina -- the receptors for red, blue, and green -- recover from their stimulation at differing rates. Blue recovers first, and then green, and red is the last to be ready to "fire" again. The temporarily de-activated receptors cause a perception of an image. It is neither "off" (no stimulus) nor "on" (stimulated), but "not usable". The brain translates this condition into an image which is not as bright as full stimulation, but not dark, either. |
I do not own a Developer's Toolkit for VB, so the program will require that the DLL files for running VB 3.0 or 4.0 already exist on your system. If it refuses to run, this is probably why.