Back in the early 2000s I spent several years developing the Fibonacci spiral generator. After using the application for a few more years, I realized that the effect of the most compelling Fibonacci spirals depended on the structure of the tiles used to make them. Since then I have devoted my efforts to creating more sophisticated tiles. Most of the tiles produced may be seen at the Tiles page.

I devised the sample tile below to illustrate the general process of tile creation. In itself it is not interesting; however, it serves as a simplified example of the way tiles are made.

The design is based on interlocking rings in a grayscale format. The resulting image is then adapted to make a three-color RGB image.

The original grayscale tile…
… and the final tile.

The adapted source tile in RGB…
… and the final tile.

The derivative of the grayscale tile is used to produce this Fibonacci spiral:

While the adapted RGB version is used to produce this somewhat more interesting spiral:

The same tile may also be coupled with an appropriate set of clines to make this “wall”:

The tiles used to create the bulk of the Fibonacci spirals are, of course, much more interesting than this one. However, the “Rings” tile provides a window into the entire process of tile creation.

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Tile Creation

Last Updated February 25th, 2025
Web Page by Ned May
Contact: phoenix <at> chromatism <dot> net
All images and text are ©2017 - 2025 by Ned May unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

Soli Deo gloria