The tile template used for the “Ornate” series of Fibonacci spirals is based on a baroque carpet pattern (See “Patterning the Continuum” for a more detailed explanation of the development of the Ornate tile). The name “Ornate” is less than adequate, but the name “Baroque” was already in use for another project.

Ornate tiles are also used in several Chromatized Patterns.

The permutations that may be derived from the Ornate pattern are almost limitless. One subset of the tiles that I explored seemed jewel-like in its color structure, as if it were made up of inlaid precious stones. As a result I dubbed that subseries “Indra’s Net”.*

Below is the most striking of the group. The richness of the color and the depth of the pattern seem almost hypnotic:

Indra’s Net — Click to enlarge

Here are representative samples from the rest of the Ornate spirals (click on a thumbnail to see the larger image):

Ornate #1

Ornate #2

Ornate #3

Ornate #4

Ornate #5

Ornate #6

Ornate #7

Ornate #8

Ornate #9

Ornate #10

Ornate #11

Ornate #12

Ornate #13

Ornate #14

Ornate #15

Ornate #16

Ornate #17

Ornate #18


* For an explanation of the meaning of Indra’s Net , see this excerpt from Rajiv Malhotra’s book.

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Fibonacci Spirals: The ‘Ornate’ Pattern

Last Updated January 30th, 2025
Web Page by Ned May
Contact: phoenix <at> chromatism <dot> net
All images and text are ©2017 - 2025 by Ned May unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

Soli Deo gloria